Farmers Market 2021

The Downtown Yakima Farmers Market (DYFM) is open every Sunday through October 10th!

Although the WA State face mask requirements change on 5/18/21, Farmers’ Markets still have to follow the Department of Health (DOH) Farmers Market COVID-19 Guidelines until WA reopens and/or DOH Guidelines have been updated.

Starting May 23rd, we ask all shoppers to please help us in protecting our community by following these guidelines.

Shoppers, you have the important duty of displaying excellent behavior in and around the market. All of us here at Downtown Association of Yakima, including our volunteers and vendors, will be responsible for implementing the agreed-upon plans to keep everyone safe while we help feed our community.

The Farmers Market plays a vital role in the community. The Downtown Association Yakima is fully committed to providing a market, as long as it is safe for everyone involved. To guarantee that, there will be many measures taken, such as the market will have a designated entrance and exit, movement through the market will be only one-way, established social distancing will be enforced along with no sampling or touching of products, shoppers will be asked to limit their time at the market, mandated handwashing stations will be in place, and so on. This will require more financial investment and volunteers.

Now, more than ever, farmers markets are essential. Markets
like this offer healthy foods to communities in a fresh air setting while ensuring public safety as a first priority.
There is still room for additional vendors. Send application to
To become a sponsor or a volunteer at DYFM, contact either Lippert or Holt (contact information below).
For updates on the market:
Instagram and Facebook pages @DowntownYakimaFarmersMarket.

Contact Info:
Yvette Lippert
Downtown Yakima Farmers’ Market Manager

Andrew Holt
Downtown Association of Yakima