Want Eric Church To Sponsor Your Fundraiser? Make A Sign!

ERIC CHURCH made one young girl the most popular kid at school last week.  10-year-old Makenna Wallace was at his recent show in San Francisco holding up a sign . . . asking him to sponsor her at the school’s jog-a-thon.

He had someone bring it up to the stage so he could read it out loud.  And then he pointed to her and said, “I will sponsor you for your jog-a-thon.  I like your shades, by the way.”  She was wearing aviator sunglasses, just like Eric does.

And later in the show he gave her a hug while performing her favorite song, “Springsteen”.

Wait, it gets even better.  After the information was exchanged Eric’s people sent an email to the school saying he and his wife would be sending a check for $10,000.  That was way more than the $735 she raised.

(Here’s a photo of Makenna holding the sign.)