Mom Shares Smart Trick to Keep Kids From Eating Snacks All Day While Home From School

If your kids are powering through your stockpile of snacks at an alarming rate heed this brilliant advice from Indiana mom Jennifer Hallstrom.  She thought she’d properly prepared for several weeks of isolation, but her kids had managed to make another Costco run inevitable.  But before she went ahead and restocked, she came up with a plan moving forward.

The mom of an 11-, 7-, and 2-year-old came up with this lifehack: “Each child has their own colored basket. In the morning, I put their snacks in it for the day, when those snacks are gone they don’t get any more. It makes them stop and think do I really need a snack? I also put their cup for the day in there because I’m not washing 50 cups a day! Hahaha!”