Everyone can agree that the worst part of the day is often the commute to and from work. Whether you work on the other side of town or five towns over it can be a stressful ordeal. Wallethub.com put together a study to determine the best and worst states to drive in. The study took into account the ‘Cost of Vehicle Ownership and Maintenance,’ ‘Traffic and Infrastructure Rank,’ ‘Safety ‘ and ‘Access to Vehicles & Maintenance.’
The top 5 are:
- Oregon
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Texas
The bottom 5 are:
46. New Hampshire
47. California
48. Washington
49. Alaska
50. Hawaii
I would bet that the Seattle traffic certainly is what makes Washington so low on this list. Here in the Yakima Valley things seem to move pretty smoothly. My commute is also the easiest I’ve EVER had in my life- just seven minutes door to door.